about social media ads
What happens on the Internet every 60 seconds?
1.8 million ‘like’ happens on Facebook and 350 GB of data
72 hours of video is uploaded to Youtube.
571 websites are created, 347 posts in WordPress
Employers make 11 thousand calls to reach the professional they are looking for.
278 thousand tweets are sent.
“Please Help” and “Please With Retweet ” words Tweets 170% compared to other tweets more retweets.
Shares with pictures without pictures 53% more than shares, 104% more
gets more comments.
Instagram users monthly on Instagram spends an average of 257 minutes.
Total of online video consumption in 2017reaching 69% of internet traffic
68% of marketing directors are social
return on investment in the media (ROI)
A ROI indicator when calculating site traffic
accepts as. Just after 63%
The number of fans / members is coming.
Average of Facebook posts
only 12% to your friends / fans
It is reached. So a brand with every fan
The post reaches approximately 500 people.
Nonprofit organizations in digital channels
56% of the supporters are the most
the big factor is storytelling
The report says.
61% of consumers of brands providing content
more prone to purchase their products.
Engaging content is a brand’s social
Top 3 of following in the media
One of the reasons.
Linkedin, other social for B2B companies
according to platforms (blog, Twitter, Facebook etc.)
Creates 92% more leads
Average Content Marketing Strategy 2000%
provides more blog traffic, the company’s total
increases its income by 40%.
Websites of companies that own a blog, a blog
According to companies that are not:
– 494% more indexed pages
– Receives 97% more links
– Receives 55% more visitors
59% of consumers are online
is affected by advertising.
46% of smartphone owners at least once
has displayed mobile ads and this
More than half of the 46% segment purchase
made the operation.
Advertiser on Facebook is also organic
brands that create results-oriented content only
brands that create content for organic results
5.3 reaches a wider audience.
Almost half of online consumers are
Customer service on Facebook and Twitter
waiting for him to provide the service,
proportion of brands that meet only 23%
44% of consumers go to a product store and
before buying that product on the Internet
In the research, 22% of consumers buy
thanks to the internet from the last product they bought
He stated that he learned that he was aware.
Complainant on Facebook and Twitter
25% of customers are waiting for an answer within 1 hour.
Complainant on Facebook and Twitter
25% of customers are waiting for an answer within 1 hour.
Login to any site from Google results
14.7 seconds average time on the site
this number for those coming from Bing
10.7 seconds.
For search engine optimization in 2016
2.2 billion dollars will be spent.
75% of users only in search results
browses to the first page.
40.5% of consumers are interested in online searches and
wants to see ads parallel to their domains
In 2014, the Internet with mobile devices
frequency of connection with desktop devices
will prevent the frequency of connecting to the internet
is estimated.
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